I know it’s July, but winter will be here before you know it and with winter comes snow, ice, and salt stuck to the bottom of your boots, welcome mats, and pets paws.
Now is the perfect time to get a head start on protecting your floors from any damage all of that leads to. We’ll deep clean your floors and put a layer of protection now, then in 6 months we come back for a light cleaning and another layer, ensuring your floors stay in mint condition. Don’t ruin your fluffy wool socks and slippers by walking around on a dirty floor.
Even if you can’t see it, you’d be shocked by how quickly floors collect dirt, and how much of it. Especially kitchens, tile and grout, and yes vinyl plank flooring too. Vinyl is actually particularly good at collecting and holding onto dirt in all the textured edges. I guarantee you’ll be questioning why you never had professional cleaning done before.
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Clean homes are healthy homes, and healthy homes are happy homes. Get clean, stay clean!